Thursday, December 16, 2010

my new found friend

I am beginning to warm up to Mr. Shadows' world. Yup. I've decided that my shadow is a male.

I realised that in his world, everyone is the alike. No one is judged by what outfit they have on that day. No one is seen through the colours of their skin. They have about the same look. They have about the same possessions. They walk the same, they talk the same. Best of all, everyone in shadow world has about the same body figure! And also, if a cat has 9 lives, Mr. Shadows has more than he can spare!

They don't talk very much, he and his little friends. But they express themselves in ways that no man can. The one thing about Mr. Shadows is that, he never lets anyone (not even me) dictate what he does. Though he is attached to my physical being, he rarely does the things I do. He has a mind of his very own. In fact, he would do the exact opposite sometimes. It's just that, I rarely appreciate his presence.

I like Mr. Shadows. He keeps me company. When I'm strolling along in the sunshine on a Sunday evening, he would make a point to meet with me and not allow me to at all feel alone. He can be prideful and stretch tall and far away from me. But he doesn't. He stays close and keeps me company. He has seen me through many many things. Simply sailed the 7 seas with me.


Silly of me to have once believed Enid Blyton that shadows are evil and wanted to find that pair of magical scissors to cut Mr. Shadows off.

I love Mr. Shadows.

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